Other Rule of Subject Verb Agreement

As a copy editor, one of the essential elements of effective writing that I often encounter is subject-verb agreement. In simple terms, subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical agreement between the subject and verb in a sentence. This agreement ensures that the verb form and the subject agree in terms of number (singular or plural).

While many writers understand the basic rules of subject-verb agreement, there are other rules that can be easily overlooked, leading to errors in writing. Here are some other essential rules of subject-verb agreement that every writer should know:

1. Compound subjects

When a sentence has multiple subjects joined by a conjunction such as “and,” the verb should match the subject in number. For instance, “John and Mary are going to the party” is correct, while “John and Mary is going to the party” is incorrect.

2. Collective nouns

A collective noun is a singular noun that represents a group of people or things. For instance, “team,” “class,” “committee,” “group,” and “family” are collective nouns. When a collective noun is used as a subject, the verb should agree with the context of the sentence. For example, “The team is playing well” is correct, while “The team are playing well” is incorrect.

3. Quantifiers

Quantifiers such as “each,” “every,” “either,” “neither,” and “none” are singular subjects and require a singular verb. For instance, “Every student needs to submit the assignment” is correct, while “Every student need to submit the assignment” is incorrect.

4. Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns such as “anyone,” “everybody,” “someone,” “nobody,” and “each” are singular and require a singular verb. For example, “Nobody knows the answer” is correct, while “Nobody know the answer” is incorrect.

5. Titles and names

When a title or a name is used as a subject, the verb should match the number of the title or the name. For instance, “The Beatles were a famous band” is correct, while “The Beatles was a famous band” is incorrect.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of good writing and can affect the clarity and effectiveness of your content. By paying attention to these other rules of subject-verb agreement, you can improve your writing skills and avoid grammatical errors.

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